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The patches in my shop are of real existing military bodies, nothing is made up.
The patches are made with high quality fabric and yarn embroidery, resistant and long lasting.
The Patch has a male velcro back (the female is needed)
Size 9 x 6 cm
Molon labe (Ancient Greek: μολὼν λαβέ?, Molòn labé, literally "coming take" i.e. "come and take me") is an Ancient Greek phrase that has become a paradigmatic example of an expression of defiance.
According to the historian Plutarch, it was first uttered by the king of Sparta Leonidas I in response to the demand for him to hand over his weapons made by the Persian king Xerxes during the Battle of Thermopylae.
Manufacturer | |
Name | American Eagle |
Address | 11365 Commercial Pkwy Castroville, CA 95012-3203 Stati Uniti |
Contact Information | |
Is EU manufacturer? | No |